Background: When necessary, RNA-sequencing data or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays can determine the presence of chromosome Y (ChrY) in samples so that biological variation due to sexual dimorphism can be studied. A prime example is when researchers conduct RNA-sequencing of single embryos, or conceptuses prior to the development of gonads. A recent publication of a complete sequence of ChrY has removed limitations for the development of these procedures in cattle, otherwise imposed by the absence of a ChrY in the reference genome. Using the sequence of the cattle ChrY and transcriptome data, we conducted a systematic search for genes in the ChrY that are exclusively expressed in male tissues. Results: The genes ENSBIXG00000029763, ENSBIXG00000029774, ENSBIXG00000029788, and ENSBIXG00000029892 were consistently expressed across male tissues and lowly expressed or absent in female samples. We observed that the cumulative values of counts per million were 2688-fold greater in males than the equivalent values in female samples. Thus, we deemed these genes suitable for the sexing of samples using RNA-sequencing data. We successfully used this set of genes to infer the sex of 22 cattle blastocysts (eight females and fourteen males). Additionally, the completed sequence of the cattle ChrY has segments in the male-specific region that are not repeated, and we designed a pair of oligonucleotides that targets one of the non-repeated regions in the male-specific sequence of the ChrY. Using this pair of oligonucleotides, in a multiplexed PCR assay with oligonucleotides that anneal to an autosome chromosome, we accurately identified the sex of cattle blastocysts. Conclusions: We developed efficient procedures for the sexing of samples in cattle using either transcriptome data or their DNA. The procedures using RNA-sequencing will greatly benefit researchers who work with samples limited in cell numbers, only sufficient to produce transcriptome data. The oligonucleotides used for the accurate sexing of samples using PCR are transferable to other cattle samples.
Code produced by Fernando Biase. I created this file to permit
reproducibility of the findings described in the paper. Please direct
questions to Fernando Biase: fbiase at
The sequence from the cattle
chromosome Y published by Liu
et al. 2019 can be obtained using this link CM011803.1
The gtf file with the annotation presented in Liu
et al. 2019 is located here Bos_taurus_hybrid.UOA_Angus_1.97.gtf.gz
options(width = 10000)
This is a general pipeline used for:
/home/fbiase/bioinfo/hisat2-2.2.1/hisat2 -p 30 -k 1 -x $path_to_index -1 $read1 -2 $read2 --no-unal -S $output_alignment/alignment_chrY.sam --summary-file $output_alignment/alignment_summary.txt
"converting sam to bam"
samtools sort -O BAM -l 9 -o $folder/alignment_chrY.bam $folder/alignment_chrY.sam &
samtools index $folder/alignment_chrY.bam &
samtools view -b -h -F 1796 -o $folder/alignment_chrY.filtered.bam $folder/alignment_chrY.bam &
samtools sort -O BAM -l 9 -o $folder/alignment_chrY.filtered.sorted.bam $folder/alignment_chrY.filtered.bam &
"removing duplicates"
bammarkduplicates I=$alignment O=$undup_output level=9 markthreads=1 rmdup=1 index=1 dupindex=0 verbose=0 &
/subread-2.0.1-source/bin/featureCounts -s 0 -a $gtf_file -o $output -F 'GTF' -t 'exon' -g 'gene_id' --ignoreDup -T 30 -p $undup_output
library('edgeR',quietly = TRUE, lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
library("DESeq2",quietly = TRUE,lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
library('dendextend', quietly = TRUE,lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
library('ComplexHeatmap', quietly = TRUE,lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
library('dendsort', quietly = TRUE,lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
library('circlize', quietly = TRUE,lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
library("ggplot2" ,quietly = TRUE, lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
library("Rsamtools" ,quietly = TRUE, lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
library("kableExtra" ,quietly = TRUE, lib.loc="/usr/lib/R/site-library")
files<-list.files("/mnt/storage/lab_folder/chrY/alignment_chrY_public_data_a", recursive=T, pattern="alignment_chrY.filtered.sorted.undup.bam", full.names = TRUE)
files<-files[grep("female", files, invert = FALSE)]
files<-files[grep("bai", files, invert = TRUE)]
for (n in 1:length(files)) {
colnames(index_stats)<-c("seqnames", stringr::str_split_fixed(files[n], "/", 9)[8])
index_stats_females<-subset(index_stats_females, select= -c(matrix.nrow...2213.))
#round( (index_stats_females[31,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)] /colSums(index_stats_females[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)]) )*100 ,2)
dim(index_stats_females[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)])[2]
## [1] 36
ave(colSums(index_stats_females[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)]))[1]
## SRR1178419
## 17829956
min(round( (index_stats_females[31,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)] /colSums(index_stats_females[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)]) )*100 ,2))
## [1] 0.06
max(round( (index_stats_females[31,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)] /colSums(index_stats_females[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)]) )*100 ,2))
## [1] 0.16
rowMeans((index_stats_females[31,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)] /colSums(index_stats_females[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_females)[2], by = 2)]) )*100 )
## 31
## 0.09959867
files<-list.files("/mnt/storage/lab_folder/chrY/alignment_chrY_public_data_a", recursive=T, pattern="alignment_chrY.filtered.sorted.undup.bam", full.names = TRUE)
files<-files[grep("female", files, invert = TRUE)]
files<-files[grep("bai", files, invert = TRUE)]
for (n in 1:length(files)) {
colnames(index_stats)<-c("seqnames", stringr::str_split_fixed(files[n], "/", 9)[8])
index_stats_males<-subset(index_stats_males, select= -c(matrix.nrow...2213.))
#round( (index_stats_males[31,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)] /colSums(index_stats_males[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)]) )*100 ,2)
dim(index_stats_males[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)])[2]
## [1] 30
ave(colSums(index_stats_males[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)]))[1]
## SRR14740610
## 48700745
min(round( (index_stats_males[31,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)] /colSums(index_stats_males[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)]) )*100 ,2))
## [1] 0.05
max(round( (index_stats_males[31,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)] /colSums(index_stats_males[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)]) )*100 ,2))
## [1] 0.34
rowMeans((index_stats_males[31,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)] /colSums(index_stats_males[,seq(from = 2, to = dim(index_stats_males)[2], by = 2)]) )*100 )
## 31
## 0.1382073
files<-list.files("/mnt/storage/lab_folder/chrY/alignment_chrY_public_data_a/male/counts_all", recursive=T, pattern="count", full.names = TRUE)
files<-files[grep("summary", files, invert = TRUE)]
files<-files[grep(".sh", files, invert = TRUE)]
for (n in 1:length(files)) {
count<-read.delim(files[n], header=TRUE, sep= "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, comment.char= "#")
count_data_reference_males<-count_data_reference_males[,seq(from = 3, to = dim(count_data_reference_males)[2], by = 2)]
colnames(count_data_reference_males)<- stringr::str_split_fixed(colnames(count_data_reference_males), "[.]", 9)[,8]
files<-list.files("/mnt/storage/lab_folder/chrY/alignment_chrY_public_data_a/male/counts_chrY_b", recursive=T, pattern="count", full.names = TRUE)
files<-files[grep("summary", files, invert = TRUE)]
files<-files[grep(".sh", files, invert = TRUE)]
for (n in 1:length(files)) {
count<-read.delim(files[n], header=TRUE, sep= "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, comment.char= "#")
count_data_chrY_males<-count_data_chrY_males[,seq(from = 3, to = dim(count_data_chrY_males)[2], by = 2)]
colnames(count_data_chrY_males)<- stringr::str_split_fixed(colnames(count_data_chrY_males), "[.]", 9)[,8]
count_data_reference_chrY_males<-rbind(count_data_reference_males, count_data_chrY_males)
## [1] 119 64
## [1] 42 64
group<-data.frame( row.names= c(colnames(count_data_reference_chrY_females), colnames(count_data_reference_chrY_males)), sample= c(colnames(count_data_reference_chrY_females), colnames(count_data_reference_chrY_males)) , sex=rep(c("female", "male"), c(dim(count_data_reference_chrY_females)[2], dim(count_data_reference_chrY_males)[2])))
design<-model.matrix(~ group$sex)
count_data_chrY_edger<-estimateDisp(count_data_chrY_edger,design, robust=TRUE)
count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit <- glmQLFit(count_data_chrY_edger, design,robust=TRUE)
count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit <- glmQLFTest(count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit , coef="group$sexmale")
count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit_edgeR_results_QLF<- topTags(count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit, adjust.method = "fdr", n=Inf)$table
count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit_edgeR_results_QLF<-count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit_edgeR_results_QLF[with(count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit_edgeR_results_QLF, order(-F)),]
count_data_chrY_DeSeq2<-DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=count_data_reference_chrY_males_females,colData=group, design= ~ sex)
# Wald method
count_data_chrY_DeSeq2_Wald<-DESeq(count_data_chrY_DeSeq2, test="Wald",fitType='local')
count_data_chrY_DeSeq2_Wald<-results(count_data_chrY_DeSeq2_Wald, contrast=c("sex", "male", "female"), pAdjustMethod="fdr", tidy=TRUE)
count_data_chrY_DeSeq2_DESeq_Wald<-count_data_chrY_DeSeq2_Wald[with(count_data_chrY_DeSeq2_Wald, order(pvalue)),]
count_data_chrY_edgeR_DeSeq2<-merge(count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit_edgeR_results_QLF,count_data_chrY_DeSeq2_DESeq_Wald, by.x='row.names', by.y='row')
count_data_chrY_edgeR_DeSeq2<-count_data_chrY_edgeR_DeSeq2[with(count_data_chrY_edgeR_DeSeq2, order(-F)),]
Table 1. Top ten differentially expressed genes between male and female tissues located in the cattle chromosome Y.
count_data_chrY_edger_QLFit_edgeR_results_QLF[1:10,] %>% kableExtra::kbl( ) %>% kable_classic(full_width = F)
logFC | logCPM | F | PValue | FDR | |
ENSBIXG00000029763 | 11.269543 | 14.75076 | 2118.4299 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000029788 | 9.710046 | 14.55233 | 1046.0118 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000029774 | 10.984218 | 14.47392 | 813.8676 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000029892 | 8.463869 | 15.50362 | 707.0806 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000029986 | 9.591261 | 13.15171 | 429.2606 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000029770 | 7.971359 | 16.16133 | 341.2628 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000029886 | -1.951345 | 18.42128 | 320.0573 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000029889 | 6.598548 | 15.13753 | 228.7008 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000029864 | 6.730399 | 15.56694 | 210.2657 | 0 | 0 |
ENSBIXG00000030021 | -2.459648 | 14.85990 | 172.2769 | 0 | 0 |
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(min(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females), max(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females)), c("#FFFFFF", "#1F305E"))
NCBI_GEO<-c("GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435" , "GSE55435", "GSE55435","GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435" , "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE55435", "GSE192530", "GSE192530", "GSE192530", "GSE192530", "GSE192530","GSE176219", "GSE176219", "GSE176219", "GSE176219", "GSE176219", "GSE176219", "GSE176219", "GSE176219", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE196974", "GSE128075", "GSE128075", "GSE128075", "GSE128075")
samples<-c("hypothalamus_1", "hypothalamus_2", "hypothalamus_3", "hypothalamus_4","pituitary_1", "pituitary_2", "pituitary_3", "pituitary_4", "ovary_1", "ovary_2", "ovary_3", "ovary_4", "uterus_1", "uterus_2", "uterus_3", "uterus_4", "endometrium_1", "endometrium_2", "endometrium_3", "muscle_1", "muscle_2", "muscle_3", "muscle_4", "fat_1" , "fat_2" , "fat_3" , "fat_4" , "liver_1", "liver_2", "liver_3", "liver_4", "PWBC_1", "PWBC_2", "PWBC_3", "PWBC_4", "PWBC_5", "testis_1", "testis_2", "testis_3", "testis_4", "testis_5", "testis_6", "testis_7", "testis_8", "muscle_1", "muscle_2", "muscle_3", "muscle_4", "muscle_5", "muscle_6", "muscle_7", "muscle_8", "liver_1", "liver_2", "liver_3", "liver_4", "liver_5", "liver_6", "liver_7", "liver_8", "prostate_1", "epididymis_1", "epididymis_2", "testis_2")
colnames(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females)<- paste(samples,NCBI_GEO)
colnames(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females)<- paste(samples)
name= "CPM",
cluster_rows = dendsort(fastcluster::hclust(dist(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females), method = "single")),
cluster_columns = dendsort(fastcluster::hclust(dist(t(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females)), method = "single")),
show_row_names = TRUE,
col = col_fun,
show_heatmap_legend = TRUE,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(
"sex"= factor(rep(c("female", "male"), c(dim(count_data_reference_chrY_females)[2], dim(count_data_reference_chrY_males)[2]))), "dataset"= factor(NCBI_GEO) , which = c("column"), col=list("sex"=setNames(c("#cc79a7","#56b3e9"), c("female","male")),"dataset"=setNames(c("#c65b80", "#77a451", "#9765ca", "#c7733b", "#6c93c5"),c("GSE55435", "GSE176219", "GSE196974", "GSE128075", "GSE192530"))) , show_annotation_name = FALSE, show_legend = TRUE))
colnames(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females)<- paste(samples,NCBI_GEO)
cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females_graph<-cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females[rownames(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females) %in% c("ENSBIXG00000029788","ENSBIXG00000029892","ENSBIXG00000029774", "ENSBIXG00000029763"),]
ggplot(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females_graph, aes(x=reorder(variable, value, sum), y=value, fill=gene )) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity")+
#geom_hline(yintercept=500, linetype="dashed", color = "red")+
scale_y_continuous(name="Counts per million reads")+
axis.title = element_text(size=15, color="black"),
axis.text.x = element_text(size=13, color="black", angle=90,vjust=0.5, hjust=1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=15, color="black"),
legend.text = element_text(size=15, color="black"),
legend.title = element_text(size=15, color="black"),
legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8)
cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females_graph<-cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females[rownames(cpm_data_reference_chrY_males_females) %in% c("ENSBIXG00000029788","ENSBIXG00000029892","ENSBIXG00000029774", "ENSBIXG00000029763"),]
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.03041 0.00000 0.36775
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 30.92 37.94 46.76 80.65 111.24 250.85
## [1] 119 22
##Figure 1B
cpm_data_reference_chrY_blastocysts_graph<-cpm_data_reference_chrY_blastocysts[rownames(cpm_data_reference_chrY_blastocysts) %in% c("ENSBIXG00000029788","ENSBIXG00000029892","ENSBIXG00000029774", "ENSBIXG00000029763"),]
ggplot(cpm_data_reference_chrY_blastocysts_graph, aes(x=reorder(variable, value, sum), y=value, fill=gene )) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity")+
#geom_hline(yintercept=500, linetype="dashed", color = "red")+
scale_y_continuous(name="Counts per million reads")+
axis.title = element_text(size=15, color="black"),
axis.text.x = element_text(size=13, color="black", angle=90,vjust=0.5, hjust=1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=15, color="black"),
legend.text = element_text(size=15, color="black"),
legend.title = element_text(size=15, color="black"),
legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8)
cpm_data_reference_chrY_blastocysts_graph<-cpm_data_reference_chrY_blastocysts[rownames(cpm_data_reference_chrY_blastocysts) %in% c("ENSBIXG00000029788","ENSBIXG00000029892","ENSBIXG00000029774", "ENSBIXG00000029763"),]
## blastocyst_1 blastocyst_10 blastocyst_11 blastocyst_12 blastocyst_13 blastocyst_14 blastocyst_15 blastocyst_16 blastocyst_18 blastocyst_19 blastocyst_2 blastocyst_20 blastocyst_21 blastocyst_22 blastocyst_23 blastocyst_3 blastocyst_4 blastocyst_5 blastocyst_6 blastocyst_7 blastocyst_8 blastocyst_9
## ENSBIXG00000029763 0 18.97552 6.061083 11.92225 16.87044 9.758044 11.71454 0 0 0 0 13.06061 0.00000000 7.238592 15.68339 0 0 9.008661 1.5926710 16.49501 10.23573 8.045926
## ENSBIXG00000029774 0 13.81169 21.483837 22.84052 29.46628 11.051928 10.75545 0 0 0 0 27.95786 0.00000000 16.930944 22.96496 0 0 18.017322 0.2654452 13.44391 19.97079 19.674804
## ENSBIXG00000029788 0 48.65200 38.826934 40.59839 112.22264 60.057797 16.64698 0 0 0 0 60.26926 0.00000000 36.745056 89.00830 0 0 48.617393 10.6178064 40.28406 55.57332 80.459261
## ENSBIXG00000029892 0 96.30856 38.106806 76.74163 116.72522 106.098513 73.84956 0 0 0 0 71.35717 0.05925871 84.593375 90.53591 0 0 110.062337 9.5560257 65.74168 84.22223 91.522410
## blastocyst_1 blastocyst_10 blastocyst_11 blastocyst_12 blastocyst_13 blastocyst_14 blastocyst_15 blastocyst_16 blastocyst_18 blastocyst_19 blastocyst_2 blastocyst_20 blastocyst_21 blastocyst_22 blastocyst_23 blastocyst_3 blastocyst_4 blastocyst_5 blastocyst_6 blastocyst_7 blastocyst_8 blastocyst_9
## 0.00000000 177.74778193 104.47865989 152.10279287 275.28457472 186.96628283 112.96652985 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 172.64489876 0.05925871 145.50796604 218.19255399 0.00000000 0.00000000 185.70571280 22.03194818 135.96466597 170.00207663 199.70240131